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Mark your calendars for the Spring Car And Motorcycle Show scheduled for Sunday, March 24th, 2024. The event will take place from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Duval Charter School at Westside. It’s set to feature a range of categories for enthusiasts to enjoy, such as Best of Show-Car, Best Foreign, Best Domestic, Best Paint, Best Wrap, Best of Show-Motorcycle, Best Engine Bay, Best Trunk Setup, Best Slingshot, and Best Stance.
Participants who wish to showcase their cars or motorcycles are required to pay a $20 entry fee. For those looking to attend and appreciate the lineup of vehicles, the general admission fee is $5. Interested participants need to register for the event, which can be done by scanning the provided code. The Spring Car And Motorcycle Show offers a great opportunity for automotive enthusiasts to gather and share their passion for unique and exceptional vehicles.

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